Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Rock Solid Valentine's Day!

There is something wonderful about Valentine's Day.  To set aside a single day to celebrate love is a unique idea.  After all, when you think about the things we commemorate with holidays, Valentine's Day is indeed an anomaly. We have holidays to celebrate victory in war, the change from one year to the next, Presidents and the birth of the nation. All our national holidays are about events or people - only Valentine's Day is about love.

To celebrate this year, I made a card for my lovely wife that had on it's cover a photo I took a couple of weeks ago while walking along the banks of the Cowlitz River in Washington State.  It was a beautiful, overcast day with lots of fog that created a feeling of mystery and peacefulness.  I had been walking for about an hour when I looked into the river and saw this heart shaped rock.  As soon as I saw it I knew I had my Valentine's Day card for 2011!  I hope you had a great, peaceful and love filled day. And that all your dreams of love and peace come true.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Now Owned By A Cat!

I've always been a "dog person".  Growing up, my pet of choice was a big ol' St. Bernard.  He was small for that breed but bigger than most dogs.  And, although he was large, he was gentle with a loving spirit.  In my early adult years, I was taken by a Golden Retriever.  He was also loving and gentle.  And he was always eager to please.  Happy to fetch a worn out tennis ball every time it was thrown.  He learned to sit, stay, shake and give a (dog) high five.  He even knew how to roll over and play dead.  He was quite the actor!  And, while one dog was plenty, especially for someone who was constantly traveling, a second dog was not far off from making my home his own.  But instead of an intellectual equal, let's just be kind and say that complex thought was not one of his gifts.  Sweet and a trusty companion, for sure.  But nobody would ever confuse him with Einstein.

Since those two dogs, there's been a long, pet-less period in my life.  But last week, a new four-legged friend entered my universe.  His name is Benny and he is a species I've never spent much time around - he's a cat. My wife - being the daughter of a veterinarian - is well acquainted with the habits and proclivities of felines.  I am looking forward to learning.   I'll report back from time to time on how things are going.  But I can tell you what I've learned so far:  one does not own a cat, but rather, it is the cat who does the owning!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

San Francisco

Oh my I love to travel. And I love to travel to San Francisco whenever I get the chance.
My wife started and runs a condiment/sauce/spice company and the trade show for her business is in San Francisco every January.  I'm always willing to go help her with the show because it gives me a chance to be on the streets with my camera in the City By The Bay.  I've created a short - very short - slide show of some of the images from my two days of walking around with a camera.  Click here to view the slide show.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Photo Life

It's so humbling to have others take an interest in my photography.  I was recently asked to be interviewed for a podcast about my work.  The good folks at ShootQ and Pictage have a blog that takes a look at the careers of photographers through a podcast interview.  I've never done anything like this and it was really fun to sit a talk photography with Travis Schreer.  When I listen to it I realize that my poor friends and family have been listening to me ramble on for years!   Click here to listen to my ADD mind!

Friday, January 14, 2011

"The world don't know the tragedy...."

The anniversary of the Haitian earthquake brought to mind a story I shot in 1993. Haitian immigrants were allowed to live in the Bahamas as laborers for decades, but in the early 90's the Bahamian government decided they were no longer welcome. You can read the story as it ran here: http://tiny.cc/20668. Today, the story is yet another reminder that the people of Haiti seem to suffer no matter where they go.  Click here to view a slide show of a few of the pictures made for this story. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time Flies

Wow, it's amazing how fast time goes by.  I guess that's why I take pictures.  It's really the only way we have of holding onto moments that would otherwise fade from view.  Photographs allow us to hold onto that sliver of time as it rushes by.  Without photographs, we are left with our blurred and distorted remembrances of life as we thought it was.  But pictures rekindle the emotions, feelings and moments that led up to and follow any given marker of a life lived.  They aren't always accurate renditions of what might have been truly happening but they allow a starting point.  And, the view captured by the photographer isn't always the view seen by anyone else experiencing the same time in the same place.  I've shot a lot of pictures of people as they live their lives.  In the past nine years of living in a place of splendid natural beauty I've added nature photography to the things I train my lens on. I once mistakenly thought that shooting pictures of a mountain or a beautiful lake wasn't all that interesting or challenging because, after all, it never changes.  A mountain is always a certain height, a lake always a certain depth. But, I've come to realize, that misses the point.  It's a view that eliminates the effects of the passage of time on the visual.  Nowhere has that lesson been more clearly learned than out my back window every day.  I am so lucky to have a view that let's me see, on a moment by moment basis sometimes, that life is a series of moments, always changing, no matter which way I look.  On this day, I looked at my cherished view of Mt. Hood and saw something I have never seen before and will never see again.  But, because I can shoot a picture of it, I can remember the beauty as it was in that moment.  I am thrilled to share it here with you.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Small Wedding

Bethany and Jared are two people who light up a room with their smiles.  And they smile a lot.
I was honored to be asked to capture the story of their wedding day in pictures recently.
Here is link to view a small gallery from their amazing day.
Just click on the picture below and enjoy.
